Effects of Health Diet Lifestyle and Health Improvement Motivation on the Healing-Experience Demand

Sang-Min Lee, Jiyoung Yoon, Hee Sun Jeong
2015 Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science  
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a lifestyle consisting of a health oriented diet and personal motivation toward health improvement on an individual's desire to participate in condolence or "healing" -workshops and programs. In order to examine the influence of the "health diet" and motivation, the "health diet" lifestyle was classified into nutrition pursuit factors, psychological factors, food safety factors, and health conscious consumption factors. Personal motivation
more » ... was categorized into perceived benefits, environmental factors and the individual's desire for happiness. Empirical analysis showed that nutrition pursuit factors had an impact on perceived benefits and the desire for happiness. Psychological aspect factors had a significant influence on perceived benefits, environmental factors and the desire for happiness. However, food safety factors and health conscious consumption factors did not have an effect on individual motivation to improve health. Regarding personal motivation toward health improvement on the desire for "healing", perceived benefits and environmental factors had significant influence. However, the individual's desire for happiness did not influence the demand for "healing". Regarding the effect of a "health diet" on the desire for "healing", only the psychological aspects of a "health diet" had any significant effects on the desire for "healing". The results from this study can help local organizations or service companies that provide "healing" programs with developing effective marketing strategies that could lead to greater customer satisfaction. Especially, the significant influence of psychological aspects of a "health diet" on the demand for "healing" is noteworthy in that this could play a key role in establishing a more effective marketing strategy to attract increasing numbers of consumers using health conscious diets.
doi:10.9724/kfcs.2015.31.4.413 fatcat:d5nesg3ugzegxktx7psmiajmci