A Reliable Method for Fabricating sub-10 nm Gap Junctions Without Using Electron Beam Lithography

Y. Naitoh, K. Tsukagoshi, K. Murata, W. Mizutani
2003 e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology  
We demonstrate a high yield production scheme to fabricate sub-10 nm co-planar metal-insulator-metal junctions without using electron beam lithography. The fabricating procedure contains two photolithographys followed by shadow evaporation. Ultrasmall gaps were formed in the crossing region of the two metal layers during the evaporation of the second layer. The sizes of the gaps were estimated using scanning electron microscopy images. Poly (3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) layers were deposited on
more » ... e junctions using a special ink-jet technique. The results of the conductivity measurement of the molecular layer indicate that these junctions can be used in the study of molecular sensors.
doi:10.1380/ejssnt.2003.41 fatcat:wvxtyjlgszbufhps33ebuihria