Cubic Harmonious Labeling of Path Related Graphs

Mini.S. Thomas
2017 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
A (n,m) graph G =(V,E) is said to be Cubic Harmonious Graph(CHG) if there exists an injective function f:V(G)→{1,2,3,.........,m 3 +1} such that the induced mapping f * chg : E(G)→ {1 3 ,2 3 ,3 3 ,..........,m 3 } defined by f * chg (uv) = (f(u)+f(v)) mod (m 3 +1) is a bijection. The vertex labels are distinct and edge labels are also distinct as well as cubic. In this paper, focus will be given on the result "cubic harmonious labeling of caterpillar graph and (P n, S m ) graph
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2017.10148 fatcat:s46cc2jvnzai5o4o47pvzu56km