Edge magnetotransport fingerprints in disordered graphene nanoribbons

Jean-Marie Poumirol, Alessandro Cresti, Stephan Roche, Walter Escoffier, Michel Goiran, Xinran Wang, Xiaolin Li, Hongjie Dai, Bertrand Raquet
2010 Physical Review B  
We report on (magneto)-transport experiments in chemically derived narrow graphene nanoribbons under high magnetic fields (up to 60 Tesla). Evidences of field-dependent electronic confinement features are given, and allow estimating the possible ribbon edge symmetry. Besides, the measured large positive magnetoconductance indicates a strong suppression of backscattering induced by the magnetic field. Such scenario is supported by quantum simulations which consider different types of underlying
more » ... isorders (smooth edge disorder and long range Coulomb scatters).
doi:10.1103/physrevb.82.041413 fatcat:immow33n4ra77brtgvcvxbu4pa