Comparison of Craniometric Features between Domestic Pig (Sus scrofa forma domestica) and Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) from Transylvania Region

2014 Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Animal Science and Biotechnologies  
Pigs were among the irst domesticated animal species after dog, sheep and goats, this important step for mankind dating from late Paleolithic and early Neolithic. Thus current forms of domestic swine are based on wild pigs, the most representative of them are the Asian wild boar and European wild boar. This statement is supported by the fact that the forms of domestic pigs and wild boars can carry interspeci ic crosses, resulting fruitful hybrids. Based on these arguments take shape the purpose
more » ... of this scienti ic papers, to make a comparison between the skull bones of the wild boar and domestic pig, as a result of different environmental conditions in which they formed, they lived and were consolidated during phylogenetic evolution in Transylvania region. For this purpouse 52 craniometric measurements were carried to 20 individuals adult males over the age of 4 years, 10 males of wild boar and 10 males of domestic pig specimens belonging to indigenous breeds of pigs. Further processing of data (GraphPad Prism 6) revealed the existence of signi icant and highly signi icant differences between craniometric features of wild boar and domestic pigs.
doi:10.15835/buasvmcn-asb:10833 fatcat:t24wimor7fdibeozjytrp4gwra