Implementation of a National Electronic Health Information System in Gabon: A Survey of Healthcare Providers' Perceptions [post]

2020 unpublished
Health information System(HIS) is a set of computerized toolsfor the collection, storage, management and transmission of health data.Their role in supporting the modernization of health systems, improving access to quality healthcare and reducing costs in developing countries is unquestionable; but their implementation faces several challenges. In Gabon, a unique national electronic HIShas been launched.It will connect healthcare institutions and providers at all levels in the whole country.
more » ... ective: This study aims to explore and identify the factors influencing healthcare providers' perceptions of the national electronic HIS. Methods: We adapted a questionnairebased on the Information System Success Model (ISSM).Twenty six hundreds(2600) healthcare providers,recruited across the country, took part in the research. We checked the reliability and validity of the application and performed a logistic regression to identify the factors influencing healthcare providers' perceptions towards the system. Results: A total of 2327 questionnaires were completed (i.e. 89.5% response rate). The logistic regression identified five elements that significantly influenced perceived system impact: System Quality (Odds Ratio-OR=1.70), Information Quality (OR=1.69), Actual Use (OR=1.41), Support Quality (OR=1.37), and Useful Functions (OR=1.14). The model explained 30% of the variance in providers' perceptionshow that the HIS leads to positive impacts. Discussion: The results show that healthcare providers' perceptions regarding the positive impact are influenced by their use of a previous HIS, the scope of their usage and the quality of the system, information and support provided to users. These results could inform the development of strategies to ensure adequate change of management and user experience for the implementation of the national electronic HIS in Gabon, and eventually
doi:10.21203/rs.2.14725/v2 fatcat:jscsujli3jhorbkyzvqe37m2si