Abscess in Primary Tuberculosis of Breast: Case Report

M. B. Quilles, P. A. M. Balbo, M. F. Benez, L. P. Nicolellis, R. N. W. Barbosa, F. P. C. Siqueira, l. T. M. Zutin
2017 Journal of Tuberculosis Research  
Purpose: To highlight the diagnostic challenges of breast tuberculosis. Mammary tuberculosis is a rare disease. Its clinical and radiological characteristics are similar to other breast diseases in young women, such as granulomatous mastitis and breast carcinoma. Materials and Methods: We report a case of primary tuberculosis of a 34 years old woman who presented bilateral abscess with refractory secretion of blood and pus drainage to previous treatment with conventional antibiotic therapy of
more » ... anulomatous mastitis. Results: A tuberculous mammary was observed and confirmed in the case. The diagnosis was based on imaging tests and complementary tests. Anti-tuberculosis treatment was prescribed during 6 months, and the evolution was favorable for one patient. Conclusion: Tuberculosis continued to present diagnostic difficulties, particularly in its breast tuberculosis form.
doi:10.4236/jtr.2017.53018 fatcat:eegpe7wnxvaz5gbvawx7kuwb2i