The Northwest Passage Politics of the Northwest Passage. Franklyn Griffiths (editor). 1987. Kingston and Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press. 313 p, maps, hard cover. ISBN 0-7735-061306. Can $34.95. Canada's arctic waters in international law. Donat Pharand. 1988. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 288 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 0-521-32503-X. £30.00, US$49.50

Terence Armstrong
1989 Polar Record  
Reviews SOUTH ATLANTIC PROBLEM THE FALKLAND ISLANDS AS AN INTERNA-TIONAL PROBLEM . Beck, P. 1988. London and New York, Routledge. 211 p, maps, hard cover. ISBN 0-415-00909-X. £35.00. The 'Malvinas' theme is already prominent in the campaign for next May's presidential elections in Argentina; renewed international pressure on Britain to resume negotiations is a likely consequence. This book provides a valuable, up-to-date reappraisal of the Falklands question, and explores future possibilities
more » ... r a solution. The first three sections cover exhaustively the origins and evolution of the Anglo-Argentine dispute over Falklands sovereignty. The author expounds and assesses the historical and legal bases of rival claims, examines the diplomatic and factual developments of the dispute from 1833, when continuous British occupation began, to the 1982 war, and analyses their significance in British and Argentine national and foreign policies, and in the international context. In the final, most original and stimulating section, Beck lists and discusses in detail possible approaches to a negotiated settlement. Having noted that an analysis of post-war events shows a hardening of the positions on the question of sovereignty, especially on the British side, he suggests that the resulting impasse can be overcome only by a change in perspective: both Britain and Argentina should reappraise their interests, taking into account the international strategic, economic and conservation (especially fishing) implications of the Falklands problem.
doi:10.1017/s0032247400010044 fatcat:s6hvxbge2rgx5dcfkop3zzm4du