The mechanism of splitting of the second heart sound in atrial septal defect

J D O'Toole, P S Reddy, E I Curtiss, J A Shaver
1977 Circulation  
The mechanism underlying the width of splitting of the second heart sound (S,) was investigated in 27 patients with ostium secundum atrial septal defect (ASD), all of whom had significant left to right shunting. Micromanometer catheters were used to record simultaneous high fidelity right ventricular (RV) and pulmonary arterial (PA) pressures. Electrocardiogram and external phonocardiograms were recorded simultaneously with pressures. QP" QA, and Q-RV intervals were measured from the onset of
more » ... e Q-wave of the ECG to the onset of P" A, and to the downstroke of the RV pressure trace at the level of the pulmonary incisura, respec- The mechanism of splitting of the second heart sound in atrial septal defect.
doi:10.1161/01.cir.56.6.1047 pmid:923043 fatcat:57x7jtrh2ngq3ptfgrrctgjf54