Radio Burst Emission Mechanisms: General Review [chapter]

D. B. Melrose
1980 Radio Physics of the Sun  
This paper is a shortened version of a review of radio emission mechanisms for meter-A radio bursts. DISCUSSION Papadopoulos: I would like to mention that the arguments used by the speaker are valid only within the realm of weak turbulence theory and its equivalent quantum mechanical formulation. This is because linear eigenmodes obeying the dispersion relation u) = a) (1 + 3/2 K 2 X §) become localized clumps when ->(KX^) 2 since a> K = o) e (l + 3/2 K 2 /A^ -1/2 ^jr) • In this instance only
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doi:10.1007/978-94-010-9722-2_20 fatcat:63clasukqrfp3eeqdeyiocgp44