MOESM3 of The Southwestern fringe of Europe as an important reservoir of caprine biodiversity

Amparo Martínez, Luis Gama, Juan Delgado, Javier Cañón, Marcel Amills, Carolina Sousa, Catarina Ginja, Pilar Zaragoza, Arianna Manunza, Vincenzo Landi, Natalia Sevane
2016 Figshare  
Additional file 3: Figure S1. Correlation between F ST genetic distances and geographic distances (P > 0.0001 after 10,000 permutations). (a) 29 goat breeds. (b) Portuguese and Spanish breeds after removing the Canary Islands populations.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3641018_d4.v1 fatcat:67yg27eje5bgzmz2ocblg7r2fu