Peace Education: An exploratory assessment of Lebanese university students' attitudes using Focus Group approach

Ghada Chehimi
2012 International J. Soc. Sci. & Education   unpublished
Lebanon, a Middle Eastern country, has suffered and survived a three-decade series of devastating events, including a civil war, and continuous aggressions, invasions and occupations. Children of the first two decades of wars have become parents. They have rarely enjoyed peaceful lives and have never been exposed to any peace education to enable them to transfer the concept of peace to the following generations. The aforementioned situation has drawn attention to the need of introducing peace
more » ... ucation to influence and encourage peaceful approaches to living and surviving in an unstable Lebanon. The current paper aims to explore and assess university students' attitudes toward peace and peace education in the Lebanese school system. Data collected is to be used as a basis for further exploration in the field of peace education.