CLIV.—Isometric anhydrous sulphates of the form M″SO4,R′2SO4

Frederic R. Mallet
1902 Journal of the Chemical Society Transactions  
described a series of isometric anhydrous sulphates having the common formula 2MSO"R',SO" that were produced by fusing the constituent sulphates together in the proper molecular proportions. Since this paper was published, further experiments have led to the production, by similar means, of the isometric sulphates described below, which are allied t o those just alluded t o in their mode of crystallisation, but differ i n their composition, one molecule only of the bivalent metal sulphate being
more » ... present in them instead of two. Several sulphates of the constitution represented by M"SO"R',SO, * As laiigbeinite is the only mineral known as yet haviiig the formuIa 211z"S@" R',SO" so glsuberite is the only one corresponding to M"SO!, R',S04.
doi:10.1039/ct9028101546 fatcat:cjoybzjecjhutli2aperwxijzq