Structural configurations and dynamic performances of flexible riser with distributed buoyancy modules based on FEM simulations

Weimin Chen, Shuangxi Guo, Yilun Li, Yuxin Gai, Yijun Shen
2021 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering  
Please cite this article as: Chen, W., Guo, S., Li, Y., Gai, Y., Shen, Y., Structural configurations and dynamic performances of flexible riser with distributed buoyancy modules based on FEM simulations, ABSTRACT 1 With the development of the society, deep sea area gradually attracted more attention as an alternative source 2 such as oil, gas, metal and minerals. Flexible risers are usually used as conveying systems to bring ocean Highlights  Installation position of buoyancy modules and
more » ... cy ratio value have significant impacts on riser configurations. And a satisfied riser configuration was obtained through our FE numerical simulations.  The change of the buoyancy module position could introduce a 46m decrease of the riser vertical position, and a small change of the buoyancy ratio can reduce the maximum tension and the top tension respectively by about 10% and up to 22%.  During mining operation, the presented saddle-shaped riser has a good tolerance performance to the bottom-end excitation. J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f
doi:10.1016/j.ijnaoe.2021.07.003 fatcat:pzcjqdnvqva2hoxs223mltjhqa