Let's do science! A randomized-control trial targeting language to boost science engagement [post]

Marjorie Rhodes, Amanda Cardarelli, Sarah-Jane Leslie
2019 unpublished
Subtle features of common language can imply to young children that scientists are a special and distinct kind of person—interfering with the development of children's own engagement with science. We conducted a large randomized-control trial (involving 45 pre-kindergarten schools, 130 teachers, and over 1,100 children from diverse backgrounds) to test if targeting subtle properties of language can increase science engagement in children's daily lives. Despite strong tendencies to describe
more » ... tists as a special kind of person (in a baseline control condition), brief video-based training led teachers to change how they talk. These changes in language were powerful enough to predict children's science interest and behavior days later. Harnessing these mechanisms could promote science engagement across diverse populations of young children in real world environments.
doi:10.31234/osf.io/w3tjg fatcat:hg7bbobe6jdxhey7s3zvwkz3jm