OP0074 Association between brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene polymorphisms and fibromyalgia in a korean population: a multi-centre study

J.-H. Kang, K.-E. Lee, D.-J. Park, S.-H. Kim, S.-S. Nah, J.H. Lee, S.-K. Kim, Y.-A. Lee, S.-J. Hong, H.-S. Kim, H.-S. Lee, H.A. Kim (+3 others)
2018 WEDNESDAY, 13 JUNE 2018   unpublished
Composition Analyzer) to determine proportion body fat. All participants were followed up 12 months later, at which time they completed the CFQ. Linear regression, with inverse probability sampling weights, tested the relationship between WUR at baseline and CFQ at 12 months, adjusted for baseline CFQ, demographics, lifestyle factors, HAD and in a final model baseline MSK pain. Results are expressed as beta coefficients with p values. Results: The median (IQR) WUR-H and WUR-F were similar (2.4
more » ... 1.5, 3.8) and 2.5 (1.6, 4.0) respectively), did not differ by sex but were significantly lower in older people. After adjusting for age and sex, WUR-H (b=0.17, p=0.00) and WUR-F (0.18, 0.00) predicted CFQ at follow-up. In a fully adjusted model, WUR-H (Model 1: 0.13, 0.00) and WUR-F (Model 2: 0.13, 0.00) predicted CFQ at follow-up, independently of baseline MSK pain. Independent predictors of CFQ were age, MSK pain, depression, anxiety, physical activity and body fat (table 1) . Abstract OP0073 - Table 1 Baseline predictors of fatigue at 12 months Model 1 -Hand (b, p-value) Model 2 -Foot (b, p-value)
doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-eular.2737 fatcat:ufasolcq3zg6hhuwdi64ei2vky