Specific features of psycho-emotional states of working women during pregnancy
Alexander Bulgakov, Nigina Babieva, Elena Levanova, Ludmila Gridyaeva, Maria Erofeeva, Irina Sokolovskaya, Liana Davidyan
Electronic Journal of General Medicine
Objective: Specific features of the mental state of women during pregnancy have been attracting the attention of specialists for many years. The article is aimed at describing an empirical study of the identification of specific features of emotional states and self-esteem of working women during pregnancy. Method: The leading method to investigate this problem is diagnostic and static methods, which allow one to reveal the presence of significant differences in the emotional states of pregnant
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... women, the psychological component of the gestational dominant and self-esteem. Results: According to the results of the empirical study, it was found that in employed women, in comparison with unemployed pregnant women, the optimal and hypogestognosic type of attitude to pregnancy is more pronounced, an average level of self-esteem is observed with a tendency to high. In non-working women, it was found that, in comparison with working pregnant women, an alarming type of attitude towards pregnancy was revealed, an obsession with oneself and one's own negative experiences; uncertainty and negative emotional background were revealed in relation to the role of the mother, low self-esteem was identified. Conclusion: In employed women, in comparison with unemployed pregnant women: 1) the optimal and hypogestognosic type of attitude towards pregnancy is more pronounced -that is, employed women have an emotionally positive sentiment, they are joyful, active and goal-oriented; 2) they like the way of life that they lead, which forms their positive mood; 3) there is a lack of support for their lifestyle from relatives and people around, which leads to the dominance of low spirits; 4) there is an average level of self-esteem with a tendency to high. It was found that in non-working women, in comparison with working pregnant women: 1) an alarming type of attitude towards pregnancy was found, an obsession with oneself and one's own negative experiences; 2) uncertainty and negative emotional sentiment in relation to the role of the mother have been found; 3) low selfesteem has been revealed. The results of the study can be used in practical work of maternity homes, counseling, as well as in assessing the emotional state of pregnant women. Keywords: pregnancy, self-attitude of a pregnant woman, type of manifestation of the psychological component of the gestational dominant (PCGD), self-esteem Bulgakov et al. / Specific features of self-perception and anxiety of a woman with pathology of pregnancy 2 / 8