Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory 1991 activity report. Facility developments January 1991--March 1992 [report]

K. Cantwell, M. St. Pierre
1992 unpublished
ABOUT THE STANFORD SYNCHROTRON RADIATION LABORATORY SSRL is a national facility supported primarily by the Department of Energy for the utilization of synchrotron radiation for basic and applied research in the natural sciences and engineering. It is a user-oriented facility which welcomes proposals for experimen&sfrom all researchers. The synchrotron radiation is produced by the 3.5 GeV storGge ring, SPEAR, located at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). SPEAR is a fully dedicated
more » ... chroton radiation facility which operates for user experiments 7 to 9 months per year. SSRL currently has 24 experimental stations on the SPEAR storage ring. n e r e are 145 active proposals for experimental work from 81 institutions involving approximately 500 scientists. There is normally no charge for use of beam time by experimenters. Additional information for prospective users can be obtained from SSRL by writing or telephoning Katherine Cantwell at SSRL, SLAC M.S. 69, SSRL is operated by the Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences. Supper? for research by SSRL staff is provided by tht Office's Division of Material Science. The SSRL Biotechnology Program is supporled by the NIH, Biomedical Resource Technology Program, Division of Research Resources and the Once of Health and Environmental Resources (OHER), Department of Energy.
doi:10.2172/171336 fatcat:dd5qb4yqdzb27fffdorvvhyb5e