Effects of photodynamic therapy using Mono-L-aspartyl Chlorin e6 on vascular system
Mono-L-aspartyl Chlorln e6 (ME2906) を用いた光線力学的治療 (PDT) の血管系への作用

Kouichi Saito, Yukari Kuroiwa, Naoko Niho, Yasushi Kurata, Hiroshi Shibuya, Ilyar Xeahendin, Katsuo Aizawa
1995 Nippon Laser Igakkaishi  
The effect of photodynamic therapy(PDT) using Mono-L-aspartyl chlorin e6 (ME2906) on vascular system was examined. Examination of blood flow condition was made
doi:10.2530/jslsm1980.16.supplement_169 fatcat:2kt6bkfr7rei7lf344qf6h7clq