Advances in the Development of a 10-kA Class REBCO Cable for the EuCARD2 Demonstrator Magnet

A. Badel, A. Ballarino, C. Barth, L. Bottura, M. M. J. Dhalle, J. Fleiter, W. Goldacker, J. Himbele, A. Kario, L. Rossi, A. Rutt, C. Scheuerlein (+4 others)
2016 IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity  
The objective of the EuCARD2 WP10 (Future Magnets) research activity is to demonstrate HTS magnet technology for accelerator applications, by building a short demonstrator dipole with an aperture of 40 mm, operating field of 5 T, and understood field quality. One of the magnet requirements is of small inductance, for use in long magnet strings, hence the superconducting cable must have large current carrying capacity, in the range of 10 kA at the operating conditions of 4.2 K and 5 T. An
more » ... down-selection of the cable material and geometry resulted in the choice of REBCO tapes assembled in a Roebel cable as baseline layout. In this paper we describe the requirements derived from magnet design, the selection process that led to the choice of material and geometry, the reference design of the cable, and its options. Activities have started to address fundamental issues, such as tape performance and tape processing through the cable construction, and key performance parameters such as cable critical current under stress or magnetization. Here we report the main highlights from this work.
doi:10.1109/tasc.2016.2548938 fatcat:7eun5bxpqrahhjzd6cq3hja2nu