Mycobacterial lipoprotein mediates mycobacterial survival by inhibiting antimicrobial peptide secretion and blocking phagosomal maturation pathway

A. Padhi, A. Sonawane
2016 International Journal of Infectious Diseases  
Conclusion: High rates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis including extensively drug resistant TB were found in children less than one, which indicates the burden of TB infection among woman during childbearing years. INH mono-resistance is of concern as this will not be detected by the current diagnostic algorithm that includes the Xpert MTB/RIF for MTB detection and Rifampicin resistance. Children with INH mono-resistance may benefit from high-dose isoniazid therefore bacteriological confirmation
more » ... hrough culture is important in management of childhood TB.
doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2016.02.485 fatcat:n74mwpxhg5ewhkp6b7bdkztwkq