Oral self screening among students of Dow University of Health Sciences
Salik Rasool, Sadia Akram, Talat Mirza, Zehra Abdul Mohammad, Munira Abdul Mohammad, Amir Mirza, Imtiaz Hussain
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
To determine the frequency of awareness of oral self screening in terms of clinical site and practice towards addiction among the students of health sciences according to low and high fees status. Qualitative study, KAP-study. Dow University Campuses, from November 2008 to March 2009. Twelve hundred and fifty undergraduate and graduate (male/female) medical students, filled oral self assessment questionnaire distributed among medical undergraduate and graduate students of the affiliated
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... es of the Dow University of Health Sciences divided into those with low and high fees status according to annual tuition fees (less or more than 40,000 Rs). The students were mainly asked about their practices towards addiction include smoking and chewing tobacco and identification of sites effected. White /red striae, ulceration and/or epithelial erosions were detected under oral self examination for preneoplasia. SPSS-13.0 was used for statistical analysis. Low and high fees college showed contrasting results for addiction among students of DUHS. Addictions prevailed among high fees students group includes betel nut (7.7%), cigarette (3.2%), sheesha (3.1%), quid (3%), 1.1% gutka and 0.7% cigar (0.7%). Compared to betel nut (5%), quid (3.2%), sheesha and cigar (1.5%) each, cigarette (1.2%) and gutka (0.5%) for low fees group of students at DUHS. Intra oral lesions i.e. (ulcer, striae, erosions) were more frequent on gingiva (1.2%) in the low fees group, compared to 0.2% among high fees students group. Angle of mouth had 0.5% frequency for low and 0.7% for high fees group respectively. Tongue lesions were 1.7% for low and 1.0% for the high fees group students. Buccal mucosa had 1.0% and 1.2% lesions respectively for the low and high fees group. Palate lesions were 1.2% for low and 0.8% for high fees group. Floor of the mouth presented 0.7% lesions for high compared to 0.2% lesions for the low fees group students. Gingiva showed slightly higher prevalence of lesions for the low fees group students of DUHS. The patterns of addictions were also different according to the socioeconomic status.