Antihypertensive and antiatherogenic effects of Tanopati a traditional recipe used for the treatment of high blood pressure

Amani Nazaire, Djyh Nazaire, Boga Lucien, Kouassi Konan, Severin Konan, N David
2016 International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology  
The objective of the present study was to investigate the possible effect of Tanopati on induced hypercholesterolemia in rats and hypertension in rabbits. Methods: Twenty wistar rats were divided into 4 groups each and then subjected to different treatments. Hypercholesterolemia was induced by induced dietary cholesterol; the rats are then treated with Tanopati and Questran®) Sixteen rabbits males, divided in four lots with four rabbits each, were used in this study. Hypertension was induced by
more » ... adrenalin (1 mg/ml for 2 weeks intramuscularly) in the lots 2 to 4. After induction of hypertension in animals, they were treated with the extract of Tanopati. The cardiovascular parameters of rabbits (systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR) was taken with an electric manometer. These three cardiovascular parameters were then compared to the witness group. Results: The treatment with the Tanopati and with Questran® significantly improved (p <0.05) these parameters by decreasing the concentrations of total cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL-cholesterol against an elevation of HDL cholesterol levels. After 8 days of treatments on rabbits induced hypertension with Tanopati or with Tenordate®, cardiovascular parameters decreased significantly up to their normalization values. Conclusions: The results obtained confirm the antihypertensive effect of Tanopati and justify it traditionally use in treatment of high blood pressure.
doi:10.18203/2319-2003.ijbcp20163209 fatcat:cgpc3bkqhvdb7kat7prp2f4dcq