Response to the Letters by Kun et al and Booth et al

ED Schulze, C. Sierra, V. Egenolf, R. Woerdehoff, R. Irsinger, C. Baldamus, I. Stupak, H. Spellmann
2020 GCB Bioenergy  
We would like to respond to the letters by Kun et al. (2020) and Booth, Mackey and Young (2020) making general comments first, and then adding a few specific remarks to some of their concerns. It seems to us that most comments in these two letters are the result of a misunderstanding of applied spatial and timescales, and maybe also a human dimension, that has to do with emotions. Some of their comments are correct and valid at particular scales and for particular carbon management problems,
more » ... not necessarily for the specific problem associated with accounting for greenhouse gas emissions from bioenergy originating from sustainably managed forests.
doi:10.1111/gcbb.12724 fatcat:k4vlij6gqrdl5ehws53anyypnq