Particle-resolved topological defects of smectic colloidal liquid crystals in extreme confinement

René Wittmann, Louis B. G. Cortes, Hartmut Löwen, Dirk G. A. L. Aarts
2021 Nature Communications  
AbstractConfined samples of liquid crystals are characterized by a variety of topological defects and can be exposed to external constraints such as extreme confinements with nontrivial topology. Here we explore the intrinsic structure of smectic colloidal layers dictated by the interplay between entropy and an imposed external topology. Considering an annular confinement as a basic example, a plethora of competing states is found with nontrivial defect structures ranging from laminar states to
more » ... multiple smectic domains and arrays of edge dislocations, which we refer to as Shubnikov states in formal analogy to the characteristic of type-II superconductors. Our particle-resolved results, gained by a combination of real-space microscopy of thermal colloidal rods and fundamental-measure-based density functional theory of hard anisotropic bodies, agree on a quantitative level.
doi:10.1038/s41467-020-20842-5 pmid:33504780 pmcid:PMC7840983 fatcat:z725lomwfvf6vglhk4afsrnary