Improving Image Quality Using Filtering Weighted Median Filter Techniques on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Breast Images

Aulia Annisa, Leny Latifah, Luthfi Rusyadi
2021 Proceedings of the International Conference on Health and Medical Sciences (AHMS 2020)   unpublished
Acquisition of MRI images takes a long time so that it can cause movements that create motion images in the image. In addition to the acquisition of MRI itself can produce noise, movement of the image can reduce the quality of the image. The image quality can be improved by using denoising post processing methods. One denoising method that can improve image quality is Weighted Median Filter (WMF). Data was taken from MRI Breast patient images and then given the application of WMF filtering
more » ... ique. Denoising post-image acquisition becomes a cheaper and effective alternative. This research is expected to be able to improve the image quality on MRI Breast axial T2WI sequences with noise reduction.
doi:10.2991/ahsr.k.210127.014 fatcat:stmm3lm2uja6xa7jsuuwonjfqa