Temporal Difference Learning Versus Co-Evolution for Acquiring Othello Position Evaluation

Simon Lucas, Thomas Runarsson
2006 2006 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games  
This paper compares the use of temporal difference learning (TDL) versus co-evolutionary learning (CEL) for acquiring position evaluation functions for the game of Othello. The paper provides important insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. The main findings are that for Othello, TDL learns much faster than CEL, but that properly tuned CEL can learn better playing strategies. For CEL, it is essential to use parent-child weighted averaging in order to achieve good
more » ... e. Using this method a high quality weighted piece counter was evolved, and was shown to significantly outperform a set of standard heuristic weights.
doi:10.1109/cig.2006.311681 dblp:conf/cig/LucasR06 fatcat:5ds2v366xjanfhmogbmndwhaye