Absorptive Capacities and Innovation in Graduated Companies from a Business Incubator in the North of Mexico

Valeria Carolina León Ramírez, Cecilia Lorena Velarde Flores, Marisol Rodríguez Borbón, Sacnicté Valdez del Río, Marco Alberto Nuñez Ramírez
2018 International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning  
<strong>The aim of this research is to identify the relationship between absorptive capacities and the generation of innovation, as well as their level of influence in companies graduated from an incubator in the north of Mexico. Through a quantitative research, correlational with a non-experimental design, a sample of 100 companies was obtained. The hypotheses of the study were partially approved, finding that the entrepreneurs were able to acquire, assimilate and transform the process of
more » ... ptive capacity, generating incremental innovation which is an intangible asset with high value for organizations.</strong>
doi:10.3991/ijac.v11i2.7629 fatcat:k4q3lhubzzcwfnjrr26hfx2svu