Convergence of the Lawrence--Doniach Energy for Layered Superconductors with Magnetic Fields Near $H_c_1$

Guanying Peng
2017 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis  
We analyze the Lawrence-Doniach model for three-dimensional highly anisotropic superconductors with layered structure. For such a superconductor occupying a bounded generalized cylinder in R 3 with equally spaced parallel layers, we assume an applied magnetic field that is perpendicular to the layers with intensity hex ∼ | ln ǫ| as ǫ → 0, where ǫ is the reciprocal of the Ginzburg-Landau parameter. We prove Gamma-convergence of the Lawrence-Doniach energy as ǫ and the interlayer distance s tend
more » ... o zero, under the additional assumption that the layers are weakly coupled (i.e., s ≫ ǫ).
doi:10.1137/16m1064398 fatcat:l7uen3isnjbxvhzwricwsl35za