Prevention of Falls - Interventions in the Home Visits to the Elderly: Scoping Review

Teresa Oliveira, Cristina Lavareda Baixinho, Maria Adriana Henriques
2018 International Journal of Clinical Skills  
CITATIONS 0 READS 47 3 authors: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Hola guapa, en este momento estoy en una revision sistematica integrativa. Te adjuntoel protocolo Bsss View project The Conceptual Model of Physical Resilience (Whitson et al, Abstract Background: The prevalence of falls in the elderly population is high, causing mortality, morbidity, and loss of functionality, contributing to an increase in the elderly's dependence, loss of
more » ... y of life and decrease in the average life expectancy. This study aims to identify the interventions performed during the home visit that may have an impact on the reduction of risk, on the prevention of falls, on their recurrence and / or on secondary injuries.
doi:10.4172/clinical-skills.1000134 fatcat:oltb66vrzjevxlfpwsqqmxxrre