Architecture for high-sensitivity single-shot readout and control of the electron spin of individual donors in silicon

A. Morello, C. C. Escott, H. Huebl, L. H. Willems van Beveren, L. C. L. Hollenberg, D. N. Jamieson, A. S. Dzurak, R. G. Clark
2009 Physical Review B  
We describe a method to control and detect in single-shot the electron spin state of an individual donor in silicon with greatly enhanced sensitivity. A silicon-based Single-Electron Transistor (SET) allows for spin-dependent tunneling of the donor electron directly into the SET island during the read-out phase. Simulations show that the charge transfer signals are typically \Delta q > 0.2 e - over an order of magnitude larger than achievable with metallic SETs on the SiO2 surface. A complete
more » ... in-based qubit structure is obtained by adding a local Electron Spin Resonance line for coherent spin control. This architecture is ideally suited to demonstrate and study the coherent properties of donor electron spins, but can be expanded and integrated with classical control electronics in the context of scale-up.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.80.081307 fatcat:x4dfnwx6ubcinawngblber4ljy