A New Speech Quality Measure for Speech Database Verification System
음성 인식용 데이터베이스 검증시스템을 위한 새로운 음성 인식 성능 지표

Seung-eun Ji, Wooil Kim
2016 The Journal of the Korean Institute of Information and Communication Engineering  
This paper presents a speech recognition database verification system using speech measures, and describes a speech measure extraction algorithm which is applied to this system. In our previous study, to produce an effective speech quality measure for the system, we propose a combination of various speech measures which are highly correlated with WER (Word Error Rate). The new combination of various types of speech quality measures in this study is more effective to predict the speech
more » ... n performance compared to each speech measure alone. In this paper, we increase the system independency by employing GMM acoustic score instead of HMM score which is obtained by a secondary speech recognition system. The combination with GMM score shows a slightly lower correlation with WER compared to the combination with HMM score, however it presents a higher relative improvement in correlation with WER, which is calculated compared to the correlation of each speech measure alone. 키워드 : 단어 오인식률, 상관 계수, 성능 예측, 음성 인식, 음성 인식 성능 지표
doi:10.6109/jkiice.2016.20.3.464 fatcat:3qtj7on4xvemfldzpx7tbpiewy