Pre-competitive anxiety levels in female players competing in individual versus team games
Anuj Kumar, Anuj Correspondence, Kumar, Anuj Kumar
303 International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health
The aim of this study was to evaluate the Pre-competitive anxiety between female players involving in individual and team games. The study was performed whether to evaluate that prior to competition they have any expected differences in their pre-competitive anxiety or not. Materials & Methods: For this study, we designed two groups i.e., individual and team event game. For the individual event games a total of 39 female players from athletics, archery, power lifting and boxing were chosen
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... 22 from athletics, 05 from archery, 02 from power lifting and 10 from boxing players were consisted that participate in the inter-university tournaments. However, for the team game, a total of 39 female players were selected, 15 from cricket and 24 from basketball that were also participate in the inter-university tournaments. In this study, for the players of individual and team games, the age ranges was between 18 to 24 years. For the present study, the data were collected according to the Sports Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT) developed by Martens et al. (1990). This test consisted of 15 items to be answered by the players and for comparison of the level of Pre-competitive anxiety t-test was used. Result & Discussion: In the analysis of the data it is found that there is a difference in mean scores in pre-competitive anxiety between females players involved in individual and team event games. Individual game players show high level of pre-competitive anxiety in comparison of team event games. In future, more studies is required with use of physiological and psychological measure prior to a pre-competitive condition in measuring anxiety on sport performance. Introduction In sport, competitive anxiety is capable of make most successful player feel nervous. Now a days it is one of the most essential and appealing area of sport psychology [1]. During competitions, anxiety among players may affect their performance, effects on their moods and locomotors skills. Many factors are available that can make players anxious i.e., game success, difference between their abilities and capabilities required for performance, and these factors can have a negative effect [2]. Moreover, Pre-competitive anxiety, is a condition of arousal that is uncomfortable or negative and it occurs during the 24 hour span prior to competition. From many years, it has been recognized that in psychological factors, predominantly pre-competitive anxiety play an important role in competition [3-7]. Besides this, pre-competitive anxiety is the mental component that known by the following parameters such as, negative thoughts about success or by self-evaluation, unrealistic beliefs, worrying, think about performance experience below expected levels in previous match, negative self-talk, tension about the performance, fear from failure, catastrophic and previous problems, and individual beliefs related to the implementation of sport skills, helplessness to concentrate and disrupt attention [8, 9]. Both individual and team event games include perfect motor skills and psychological factors for a player intended for a decisive role in a competition. There are many studies have been already conduct on the basis of gender concentrating anxiety state levels. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pre-competitive state anxiety between female's players involving in individual and team event games prior to competition and to assess any possible differences in between.