Evaluation ofIn VitroAnti-inflammatory Activity of Azomethines of Aryl Oxazoles

V. Niraimathi, A. Jerad Suresh, T. Latha
2011 E-Journal of Chemistry  
Ability to inhibit erythrocyte hemolysis is often used as a characteristic of the membrane stabilising action of chemical compounds. Azomethines of aryl oxazoles were evaluated for anti-inflammatory byin vitrohemolytic membrane stabilising study. The effect of inflammation condition was studied on erythrocyte exposed to hypotonic solution. In thisin vitromethod the membrane stabilising action leads to anti-inflammatory activity and was compared with that produced by diclofenac sodium as the
more » ... rence standard. Results of the evaluation indicate that the synthesised compounds found to exhibit membrane stabilising activity.
doi:10.1155/2011/561759 fatcat:5gebnl4jizcojm3mkl5srr37ru