Seeds of quality : choice farm, field, lawn and garden seeds / [book]

1910 unpublished
The attention of our customers is respectfully called to the following directions, which will, if followed, be an aid to purchasers as well as ourselves. Pkt-, 10c. ; pt-, 20c.; qt. 30c-; pk., $1-75-Extra Early Red Valentine. In this improved strain the pods Burpee's Early Stringless. are medium in length, curved J Quality Counts CLINTON FALLS NURSERY CO., OWATONNA. MINN. 3 cylindrical, saddle-back, very fleshy, crisp and lender; seed long, of medium size. Vines erect, grow uniformly about
more » ... en inches in height and produce large crops. Pods are usually ready to pick about forty-five days from planting. Price-Pkt. 5 cts.; pt., 15 cts.; qt., 25 cts-; 4 qts.» 80 cts.; peck $1.25. Black Wax. This is the first sort to give a full picking; pods clear waxy-white, round, fleshy, tender, fire flavor, stringless, productive extra early and a very popular variety. Seed jet black. The enormous demand for this Black Wax Bean proves that it meets popular requirments and has all the sterling qualities we claim for it. The best extra early Wax Bean for the home or market garden. Price-Pkt. ,5 cts.; pt., 20 cts.; qt.,30cts.; 4 qts., $1.00; peck, $1.75. Improved Golden Wax. The great popularity of this Yellow Wax-podded or butter Bean is due largely to the fact that the variety we have is a great improvement over the old "Golden Wax, ' having larger pods and being much more prolific. This improved stock is one of the handsomest beans that we have ever seen, the pods being of dark» rich, golden yellow color and perfect shape. Plants are vigorous bushy growth and not sus-_ cepible to rust. Flesh is of excellent^^^jj.^-quality, tender, brittle and absolutely stringless and extra early. For family or market gardening. Price-Pkt., 5 cts.; pt., 20 cts.; qt., 30 cts.; 4 qts., $1.00; peck^1.75. Wardwell's Kidney Wax. This is an early variety. Is very robust and hardy, producing a heavy crop. An attractive market sort. Strong upright buuh growth, 12 inches in height. Pods long, broad, flat, 5 inches in length, brittle and of a delicate waxy-yellow. Beans large, kidney-shaped. A first-class snap Bean. Price-Pkt., 5cts.; pt., 20 cts.; qt., 30 cts.; 4 qts., $1.00; peck, $1.75. Refugee Weix. A most desirable variety; enormously prolific. Pods meltingly tender at all stages of growth. Plants are of very robust growth. Pods thick, fleshy, wax-like and of fine quality and of a clear, creamy-white color. Is good variety for both early and late planting. Price-Pkt., 5 cts., pt., 20 cts.; qt.; 30 cts.; 4 qts., $1.00; peck, $1.50. Yosemite Mammoth Wax. A giant among Beans. The plant is large and vigorous. The pods frequently attain a length of from 8 to 10 inches, with the thickness of a man's finger; of rich golden-yellow color, solid, meaty, absolutely stringless, cooking tender and delicious. Seeds are very small when the pods are fit for use. This variety is enormously productive, as many as 50 of its monster pods having been counted on one bush, which is 15 inches high. Price-Pkt., 10 cts.; pt., 25 cts.; qt., 40 cts.; 4 qts., $1.25; peck $2.25. Clinton Early Stringless. (See illustration on back cover.) A strong bush and very productive. It is an early Bean and should be in every garden. Price-Pkt., 5 cts.; pt., 20 cts.; qt., 30 cts.; 4 qts., $1.00; peck, $1.35. Henderson's Bush Lima. A magnificent dwarf Lima. It is very hardy, extremely early, very prolific and bears continuously for several weeks; it is the first to give pods fit to pick in the sujnmer and the last to yield edible pods in the fall. Pods are of rich green color, medium size, thick, broad, very uniform in shape, solid, meaty, of high quality, meltingly tender and having a delicious flavor exclusively their own. It is also most excellent shelled after it is ripe for winter use. It is just the thing for the family garden. Price-Pkt 10 cts.; pt., 20 cts.; qt., 30 cts.; 4 qts., $1.10; peck, $2.00. POLE OR RUNNING BEAN. White Greaseback. This is one of the finest and most popular of the early green-podded pole beans. It is especialy valuable for its earliness. It bears round, flsshy pods 5 to 6 inches long in clusters of 4 to 12. Price-Pkt., 10c; pt., 20c; qt.,30c; 4 qts., $1.00; pk. $2.00. Dreer*s Pole. Bears long golden-yellow pods in clusters. Excellent for snap-shorts and matures early. The vines make a strong vigorous growth, climbs the poles well and produce quantities of large pods. Price-Pkt.. 10 cU.; pt., 20 cts.: qt., 30 cts.; 4 qts., $1.10; peck, $2.00. Yosemite Mammoth Wax 4 CLINTON FALLS NURSERY CO., OWATONNA. MINN. Seeds of Quality BEETS One ounce to 100 feet of drill; 7 pounds to an acre. CULTURE. -Humus loam, Although the roots of this variety grow shorter, it Qnality Counts CLINTON FALLS NURSERY CO.. OWATONNA. MINN. 7 produces more bulk to the acre than the larger field varieties-Price-Pfets-» 5 cts.; oz.» 10 cts.;^lb.» 30 cts.; lb., 85 cts.
doi:10.5962/bhl.title.103319 fatcat:nk5wl7443ragniypgl3m2iojrm