Role of glabridin in maintaining residual kidney function in dialysis patients

Yun-Qi Liu, Wei-Qun Zhang
2017 Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research  
Purpose: To demonstrate the effect of glabridin on peritoneal function and residual renal function (RRF) in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Methods: Twenty five patients (age range, 24 -58 years) with a glomerular filtration rate of above 2 mL/min/1.73 m2 and on PD were subjected to glabridin therapy. The patients were treated daily with glabridin (30 mg) for 6 months. The baseline parameters for serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),
more » ... d transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) were compared with those found after 6 months of glabridin treatment. In addition, end-to-initial dialysate concentration of glucose (D4/D0 glucose), dialyzer clearance of urea (K), dialysis time (t), volume of distribution of urea (V), peritoneal transport status as well as dialysate cancer antigen 125 (CA125) were also compared. Results: The results revealed a significant increase in mean dialysate CA125 after glabridin treatment (25.6 ± 2.7 U/mL) compared with baseline value (19.7 ± 3.2 U/mL). However, serum hs-CRP, VEGF, TGF-β, CTGF, daily ultrafiltration, D4/D0 glucose, Kt/V, and peritoneal transport status remained unaffected. Residual glomerular filtration rate in all the patients decreased. Glabridin treatment also led to a decrease in the decline of peritoneal function, suppression of elevation of profibrotic markers, and increased mesothelial cell mass in PD patients. Conclusion: Thus, glabridin is a potent candidate for the treatment of residual kidney function in dialysis patients.
doi:10.4314/tjpr.v15i12.29 fatcat:wjckt6qze5ecnjna4n3z6iwj4e