C.S. Ramesh Babu, Bindu Agrawal, Arjun Kumar, O.P. Gupta
2017 International Journal of Anatomy and Research  
Splenic artery is a relatively constant branch of celiac trunk and its variations are rare. One of the rarest variations is the occurrence of splenomesenteric trunk, common origin of splenic and superior mesenteric arteries, with an occurrence rate of less than 1.0%. Materials and Methods: We present here incidental observation of splenomesenteric trunk in three patients while retrospectively analysing contrast enhanced computed tomographic scans of 960 patients (491 males and 469 females).
more » ... rvations: The splenomesenteric trunk was observed in one female and two male patients with an incidence of 0.31%. Common hepatic and left gastric arteries were arising as a common hepatogastric trunk. In one male patient the splenic artery originating from the splenomesenteric trunk was giving origin to inferior pancreaticoduodenl artery. Discussion and Conclusion: Presence of splenomesenteric and hepatogastric trunks represents a variant anatomy of both celiac trunk and superior mesenteric arteries classified as Type IV "' of Morita's classification. Combined review of 36 studies involving a total of 9829 cases revealed the occurrence of splenomesenteric trunk in 0.09% cases (9/9829 cases). Splenic artery from splenomesenteric trunk has a variable relationship with pancreas and the splenic vein which is surgically important. Visceral artery aneurysms more commonly affect the splenic artery and the aberrant splenic artery may also develop aneurysms close to its origin.
doi:10.16965/ijar.2017.290 fatcat:etr2cbphuncqze4tqpv524gfmi