Curved-space classical solutions of a massive supermatrix model

Takehiro Azuma, Maxime Bagnoud
2003 Nuclear Physics B  
We investigate here a supermatrix model with a mass term and a cubic interaction. It is based on the super Lie algebra osp(1|32,R), which could play a role in the construction of the eleven-dimensional M-theory. This model contains a massive version of the IIB matrix model, where some fields have a tachyonic mass term. Therefore, the trivial vacuum of this theory is unstable. However, this model possesses several classical solutions where these fields build noncommutative curved spaces and
more » ... solutions are shown to be energetically more favorable than the trivial vacuum. In particular, we describe in details two cases, the SO(3) \times SO(3) \times SO(3) (three fuzzy 2-spheres) and the SO(9) (fuzzy 8-sphere) classical backgrounds.
doi:10.1016/s0550-3213(02)01072-6 fatcat:7ijfg4pbhfbefpqcl4atyurzda