Elastic constant C11 of 12C diamond between 10 and 613 K

A. Nagakubo, M. Arita, H. Ogi, H. Sumiya, N. Nakamura, M. Hirao
2016 Applied Physics Letters  
We measured the temperature dependence of the elastic constant C 11 of a 12 C diamond monocrystal using picosecond ultrasonics between 10 and 613 K. We found that C 11 is almost temperature independent below room temperature; the temperature coefficient around 300 K is À6.6 MPa/K. Our results show a significantly higher Einstein temperature than reported values by $30%, indicating that diamond has a larger zero-point energy, which remains dominant around ambient temperature. We also calculated
more » ... he temperature dependence of the elastic constants using ab-initio methods, resulting in good agreement with measurements. Our study shows that below-ambient-temperature measurements are not sufficient to extract the Debye temperature and the Gr€ uneisen parameter of high-Debye-temperature materials.
doi:10.1063/1.4952613 fatcat:jiaqkonh5ndzpl2m6ygnmw75wq