The Influence of the Test Taking Strategies on the Reliability of Test Items in English Tests

Naoki SUGINO, Eiji SAITO, Sadao TAKAHASHI, Yuko SHIMIZU, Masashi NEGISHI, Takeshi NOZAWA, Tomoichi ISHIZUKA, Teruhisa UCHIDA, Shin-ichi MAYEKAWA
2003 Zenkoku Eigo Kyoiku Gakkai kiyo  
Masashi NEGISHI 7bkyo University ofForeign Studies 'fakeshi NOZAWA Kansai University ofInternational St"dies Tomoichi ISHIZUKA 71he Nationat Centerfor University Entrance lixaminations rlbruhisa UCHIDA The National Centerfor Universitly Entrance lixaminations Shin-ichi MAYEKAWA it)kyo Institute of 717chnology Abstract The present study aims at explicating the infiuence of test taking strategies on the test item reliability in English language proficiency tests. Widely known test taking
more » ... s include starting with a certain section that might require more time than others to answer so that test takers can allocate more of their time allowance on it, or, especialiy in multiplechoice format, marking an alternatiye based on wild guessing. Also widely speculated is that, in the Daigaku iYyushi Center English test (DNC test, henceforth), those test takers who find themselves running out of time are forced to rely on wild guessing in answermg test items. Some English language proficiency tests, such as TOEFL or TOEIC, strictly
doi:10.20581/arele.14.0_221 fatcat:m5kdvcdeqzgffhagkrpklp7zq4