Enfermedad de Kawasaki: un caso con pseudo-obstrucción intestinal y aneurisma gigante

Carlos Tori Tori, Mario Vargas Galgani
2015 Revista Médica Herediana  
We present a rare association of Kawasaki disease in a two year old boy presenting with fever, a morbiliform rash and clinical signs of intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Our patient subsequently developed a giant aneurysm of the right coronary artery complicated with thrombosis. He presented fever again 48 hours after the first dose of Immunoglobulin and needed a second one with good results. These patients with giant coronary aneurysms have a greater risk of developing stenosis and myocardial
more » ... rction, and require anticoagulant therapy, frequent stress scans and coronary angiographies. Those who develope less severe disease need only antiplatelet therapy and less frequent cardiovascular tests. Patients with a normal echocardiogram after the acute phase of the disease are not treated. The long-term prognosis of this disease is uncertain, especially regarding the possible association with coronary disease in adult life. ( Rev Med Hed 2002; 13: 114-122).
doi:10.20453/rmh.v13i3.2370 fatcat:phlcybuunvd3fh4lb3og5j5gjm