Reflections on pseudo-scientific medicine

Luis C. L. Correia
2016 Revista Dor  
75 Rev Dor. São Paulo, 2016 apr-jun;17(2):75 Current image of physicians is confused with that of a scientist. Aiming at meeting this expectation, physicians in general avoid justifying their behaviors based on belief or faith, trying to bring logic arguments to their decisions. The problem is when we are faced with pseudo-scientific arguments favoring fanciful behaviors. I believe that the origin of this is the lack of understanding of the essence of the scientific thought. Differently from
more » ... t common sense believes, this essence is not in the presumption of understanding the universe, but rather in the humbleness of recognizing the uncertainty of our beliefs. This humbleness is presented on scientific minds as skepticism. The word skeptic comes from the Greek skepticos, which means "that who reflects, who questions, inspects". So a skeptic is not a boring person who does not believe in anything, but rather someone wishing to get close to a consistent truth. Reflections on pseudo-scientific medicine Reflexões sobre medicina pseudo-científica
doi:10.5935/1806-0013.20160018 fatcat:4ageb3q4ovbzhmezkha4klhxeq