Diagnosis of Intraplacental Choriocarcinoma after Fetal Death In Utero at Term Pregnancy: A Case Report with Literature Review

Eun Ji Lee, Seong Yeon Hong, Jin Young Bae
2021 Perinatology  
Choriocarcinoma is a malignant disease that occurs in the chorionic villi and a type of gestational trophoblastic disease. It is a very rare occurrence in pregnant women. A 30-year-old primigravida with no previous medical history visited our institution after the onset of spontaneous labor at 38 weeks 4 days of gestation. She underwent regular prenatal examinations at Daegu Catholic University Medical Center. Investigations im mediately after arrival at the hospital revealed fetal death in
more » ... o. The patient underwent vaginal delivery on the same day through induced labor. Histopathological examination revealed choriocar cinoma of the placenta. The patient was evaluated to have a low risk of gestational trophoblastic disease. Four cycles of combined methotrexate and folic acid chemotherapy were administered at 2-week intervals. The clinical course of the patient was uneventful during 21 weeks of follow-up after chemotherapy. According to previous studies, intraplacental choriocarcinomas show various charac teristics. It is difficult to diagnose intraplacental choriocarcinomas based on the clinical symptoms or imaging studies alone. Therefore, histopathological examination of the placenta or suspicious tissue is important for early diagnosis and treatment and monitoring maternal health postpartum.
doi:10.14734/pn.2021.32.3.142 fatcat:mlkdrohpybanrmnad6i4dfvxuy