Residual Stress In Ground Wc-Co Coatings

M. Jalali Azizpour, H. Mohammadi Majd
2014 Zenodo  
High velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spray technique is one of the leading technologies that have been proposed as an alternative to the replacement of electrolytic hard chromium plating in a number of engineering applications. In this study, WC-Co powder was coated on AISI1045 steel using high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) method. The sin2ψ method was used to evaluate the through thickness residual stress by means of XRD after mechanical layer removal process (only grinding). The average of through
more » ... kness residual stress using X-Ray diffraction was -400 MPa.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1091175 fatcat:m65imswdpzejpdqzr45q2k6wqa