The driver's visual perception research to analyze pedestrian safety at twilight

Brayan González-Hernández, Davide Shingo Usami, Oleksii Prasolenko, Dmytro Burko, Andrii Galkin, Oleksii Lobashov, Luca Persia
2020 Transportation Research Procedia  
Road traffic movement at nightfall (twilight) is characterizing by a reduction of light time of the day and the rapid nightfall onset, thus the driver's eyes have less time to adapt to rapid sudden changes in illumination. The visual perception and the reaction time of the driver in conditions when pedestrians appear in nightfall conditions on the street and road network in a city is considered in the paper. Researched was conducted in uncontrolled pedestrian crossings in nightfall conditions
more » ... Ukrainian roads. Regularities of the vehicle's driver and pedestrians' interaction in nightfall conditions are obtained. Road traffic accidents occurrence probabilities at the twilight time considering the driver's reaction time and the car's movement parameters was analyzed. As a result, a model for estimating the variation the reaction time of the driver when a pedestrian appears in the nightfall (twilight) conditions was calibrated. Abstract Road traffic movement at nightfall (twilight) is characterizing by a reduction of light time of the day and the rapid nightfall onset, thus the driver's eyes have less time to adapt to rapid sudden changes in illumination. The visual perception and the reaction time of the driver in conditions when pedestrians appear in nightfall conditions on the street and road network in a city is considered in the paper. Researched was conducted in uncontrolled pedestrian crossings in nightfall conditions on Ukrainian roads. Regularities of the vehicle's driver and pedestrians' interaction in nightfall conditions are obtained. Road traffic accidents occurrence probabilities at the twilight time considering the driver's reaction time and the car's movement parameters was analyzed. As a result, a model for estimating the variation the reaction time of the driver when a pedestrian appears in the nightfall (twilight) conditions was calibrated.
doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.02.087 fatcat:ibjrzqxbp5azpcg6nzvj7anhxy