Factors Influencing Caregivers' Health Seeking Behavior for Malaria Treatment of Children Under 5 Years in Busia Municipality, Uganda [post]

David Bwire Odimbe, Christine Atuhairwe
2021 unpublished
Background: Malaria remains a serious cause of under-five mortality and morbidity worldwide and Uganda inclusive. This burden can be minimized by promptly seeking health care. In Uganda, however, studies around malaria health-seeking behaviors for under-five children in the most malaria prevalent areas are very few. This study aimed at determining the factors influencing caregivers' health-seeking behavior for malaria treatment of children under five years in Busia Municipality, Uganda.
more » ... A cross-sectional research design was used with a structured questionnaire to collect data. Data were analyzed using SPSS Version 22 to establish relationships between the variables. Results: The results showed that the current health-seeking behaviors of the caregivers of under-five children in Busia municipality are associated with caregiver education level (p= 0.008), the health worker's behavior towards the client (p=0.015), the severity of fever (p<0.001), the severity of last malaria episode (p<0.001), waiting time (p=0.001), the quality of health services (p= 0.001) and age of caregiver (p<0.001). Traditional medicine and home remedies are the most utilized means of malaria management in under-five children in Busia Municipality. Conclusions: Caregivers need to be sensitized about the proper health-seeking behaviors for the management of malaria in children under-five years through radio shows, television, community engagement meetings among others to enhance the knowledge and understanding of communities about the recommended malaria treatment-seeking practices. There is a need to continuously train medical workers on client engagement skills to promote a good relationship with patients and encourage their return.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-1094566/v1 fatcat:cqbwxgc23bbhdarhzrpcz3bqsq