Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Over-Polishing of Silicon Carbide in Annular Polishing

Junjie Zhang, La Han, Haiying Liu, Yikai Shi, Yongda Yan, Tao Sun
2018 Machines  
Annular polishing technology is an important optical machining method for achieving a high-precision mirror surface on silicon carbide. However, the inevitable over-polishing of the specimen edge in annular polishing deteriorates achieved surface quality. In the present work, we first analytically investigate the kinematic coupling of multiple relative motions in the annular polishing process and subsequently derive an analytical model that addresses the principle of material removal at
more » ... edge based on the Preston equation and the rigid body contact model. We then perform finite element simulations and experiments involving annular polishing of silicon carbide (SiC), which jointly exhibit agreement with the derived analytical model of material removal.
doi:10.3390/machines6020015 fatcat:43k6nfb675aljj5y4bqx5qncpa