Line-Imaging Spectroscopy for Characterisation of Silicon Wafer Solar Cells

Matthew P. Peloso, Jen Sern Lew, Bram Hoex, Armin G. Aberle
2012 Energy Procedia  
Line-imaging spectroscopy can be applied to enable the extraction of the luminescence spectrum at each point on a solar cell. The resulting hyperspectral image of luminescence may characterise the photovoltaic material or device. In this paper, a line-imaging instrument which can perform spatially resolved luminescence spectroscopy on silicon wafer solar cells is investigated. The instrument is applied to analyse a textured and an untextured multicrystalline silicon wafer solar cell. Detectable
more » ... differences in the luminescence spectrum are observed.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2012.02.020 fatcat:bljov3czevco5k33cc7ukjp4nu