The Nanaimo Free Press [Tuesday, August 3, 1920] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Itjr lor (lie failure of the Balmoral Aparimenti to meet the reguiremeota of the city by-law and fire Ion leKlaiation at the time of flairatlon on June JOth when five paraon were killed waa placed with the civic fire and bulldlo( dap; uenta by Justice Morrison who vestigatad causes In his report the city council. He blames chief Carlisle for not Issuing specific Insirucllons to fire wardens of their dultes and building inspector for not seeing the neceiaary structural deflre doors properly
more » ... ded PRiCES BEGIN TOFALUNTBE UNITED STATES MORE PREFERENCE to COLONIES IN TIE WEST INDIES Ottawa. Aug. 3.-Terms of the rade agreement made between Can ada and the West Inaies at June conference In Ottawa will be made public tomorrow. The agreement es further than preferential tariff treenieni In force for last eight years. It Includes In mutual prefer-ZZ of «r tisb Colonies In the West Indies, it increases tiie mutual tariff ence from the present 20 per -understood n» high as 60 per cent is aUo"a*E °emrs"in pioducts ARNlSnCEHAS BEEN DELAYED H*>vle« Ifemands Poll has lM>en given. A further agreiit for increased transport and cable communlei coming down and If a satisfactory solution can be found for the vexa tious fuel problem, the United States will soon begin to find Itself on solid grounds once more, headed In finUe direction. Wheat, cotton, dressed pork, cloth ing. men's shoes, and other necasstlles have hit the toboggan more or less celerity, and the high cast of living U beginning to show the affect. Cash wheat showed the most spec-lacnUr drop of all commodities. It went off ES cents during last week, losing II to IS cents Saturday alone. Plonr. staging a -sympathetic strike diopped SO cents a barrel, which waa a reduction of tl.SI a barrel within a week. Oats, rye and other small grains also showed signs of collapse following the action of cash wheat nrenea pork at the week-end was M 02 and one-haif per 100 pounds cheaper than It waa a week before. Short ribs iiunbied 12 and one-half OMIs la the same period. Poutoes that were .selling at tl a bushel two jnoks ago are now plentiful at 11 and Sugar, lor which one had to beg ti Oriyilege of buying a half pound SM cents « pound. Is now pitni f»l at II and a fraction, and son •.•eras are • premlem. Another sanisilonal a id «*op waa shown In cotton. ?• V*JiE.** *»'Ufdays trad-rLiT 'oreehodowi cheaper whh. good, but If the drop continues LI. «»«nclal J«cUoa throughout thu Southern the> '* »■>»"'«'« »f crops must meet loica "HOK^^TOrK ClAiSI* DOW.V _ ^ re-srranglng the ena '"^•'•'••'ory to launching In^E.^i* ("brilng Thurwlay morn-« clock 1. Thin win prove J^l money .aver for all who wear BIJOU TODAY The rooEl exciting, tense. Mrve-ripping battle ever "girl of the SEA" JaekDerapiey »■ "DAREDEVIL JACK-A IliiliM DoOir PaiW SmmI FOX NEWS *JEFF aUTOOHS CODRTMARTETO TAIETffiPLACEOF CROWN TRIBUNALS Umdon. Aug. 3 -The duties crown tribunals In Ireland will taken over by rourtmartlal even the extent of settling civil disputes. Infliction of fines and binding of ac-cus^ peiwon. over to keep the peace >r terms of the new Irish bill h waa made pabllc this morning. LOCAL HRM HAS A hne dispuy window s doubt the r the city for the display of confection ery Is the one recently Installed by Contractors Kufos and Kreer, for Hlndaiaiwh Brothers, proprietors of the Oasis Confectionery, at an ex penditure of several hundred dollars. The floor of ih» window is of hard wood trimmed with!maple, the hack gronnd ronaletlng of iMuled Uchi glass encased in maple, two beaullchandellers completing the over head decorations that give the whole a splendid appearance. The principal marsh Brothera them to display phenaon's famous .............. .. ... Chocolates, of which the Oasis has the exclusive local agency. lo make such was to enable a advantage Ste-Home Made Vic Ixindon. Aug. 3-Negotlgtlona for I armistice between Poland and So viet Russia have been delayed, ac ^rdlng to a wireless dispatch from Moscow. It says the Polish delega tion left BaranoTitchl for Warsaw Monday to present lo its government the Soviet demand that Polish dele gates be given mandates for signing not only an armistice agreement but also a protocol setting forth the fun damental condlttona of peace. CIIIBIIAUK CLUB Micv.^x niWT asxl-al Pit xir The .Nanaimo Cribbage Club held their first annual picnic Sunday. Heml. leaving .4t 7 J,. Hi care of Captain Harry deid and bis comfortable launch, and returning at ».30 p.m., ■ ' lay of real old sport. of the atunu pulled o the picnic grounds were: 100 and 2E0 yard races, wo T. Banka. 50 yard dash, won by B. Dorherty. hhot putting. 1st B. Docherty; 2, O. Bertram. Swimming com^tltlon. Gordon; 2nd. B. Docherty. J. O-Dell and T. Ewing ra heat In the aleepii K.AIIIEK8 TAKE MAIL. Ihiblln, .lug. a-A mall train running between Xoale nnd Athlone waa slopped by nOdem Monday night nnd nil mail mat ter and pnrceU carried off. MoBBiiieBt*, Crosses, Coping ALBXw HKKDKMSONre J. F. HlCKINGBOnOM s 1st In tha Plaaia wV5'K""a^^'?A.v McADIE THE UNDERTAKER PHONE 10. ALBERT ST. PHONE 933 When Yon Want an Aato. PETE McKIE JOHNBARSBY Plastering and Cement Work gUiliatalM CItcb rrvv.
doi:10.25316/ir-6910 fatcat:t7xodin3dzc2dfy33xestq6i7y