The Nanaimo Free Press [Wednesday, June 6, 1906] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Km Will Wrv#tU in this City oo jnne 16th-Special SWamer Will Come from Vanamver. CNSIWISC DRECWi <4 Mr. Frank M Hawk«oiu»8«.ui. Stiikes Hav0 Be^uii Aiid In Some Places The Peobnnch of the U. S. wtr d^witment t pie are Seizing The Land Of The Proprietors. took ■woplrti of coni toclny from Bra be forwarded to . an if at faat 8wan»o o afioot to uwel t >■ acbodutod to take |i ahera It will ba teatcd along with narnplM from tha other eoIUrriaa ten > dorfng to the V. H. aovammant to ar«t .. «boduled
more » ... o t.Kc ,..a.o '"W'V "r. H.wkm n"tlora a iTKSutuo on Juno 10, In the Ath-rcmarkalJe rhange in the mhwa here Club Arvnn. The K. H. U. * A nlnce his lent x-init and ban no bralt.-C|g|> of Vancouver U trj ing to or ,(^0 i" aajing that tha local mlnra. :Z t «*th the other minca he Sd tiiirT-boat will knve Ven-has vialU^l. ln,|.n-him aa beinc ona Joow at U p. m. on. the day of the of the moat modem aDd beat a<|Uip-■ntch, rrtuming at the follow-ped in th. country. While coal tag twraluK-______ firat idRht is ver>-A-cdt ilw he nS^h will bo cauh-na-»ev.-a (hat the quatty of the aampl-iS^n. pin lalla only, two eftcml-ea aecuned on thli iweemt visit will dtrs down to conaiitule a fnH, l\Jlco y^ter than that of three yaara ;s.r» «■> ■■ "o,.. o,. ern Fuel Company will aecure large Ellarta are Ix-lng nneie to g<'t In-, coitracta throUtdi ii« San Franclaco Better, idtyatcnl dlntlor of the Lnl-SUtes govem-Ite Athl^c i;luh ia altvady in coin-t» for use in the Imnsiwrt fwr.iee In ■nnicailon with him. Im. Holier U nhich thre are Mtveral aU-amers ear of the »u.b«ritira "n the wre^-"o," 8t.'retersbuig. June 6.-The lewm-Inat. . houae of parliament and tha govern-j The scenh at y«aterrtn.v's asaalon Anaatian and Alladin, the fwtasant _____ ment are rapidly coming to cloae when tha house rcfuaad to Halm to party Imdurs, uead the occatdoa to TraMporta4.« CXmiquartera and the conflict which be-the rolniatera and psacttcally drove make violent apeeches in w*lch they 'pany again oflhred to inct^ the came inevitable the moment the as-them from the roainijn. clearly pre-arg.iad that it waa uaolesn for par-saanWs wagw ^ sambly presented tU di-msiids in the amts the Issue that tMs soai-oroc miuit liamant-to proreed in tha regular advn» ™ gs\ address to Uw throne cannot bo much dmmisn tha cabinet cf fight, way. The govamsnnit Intended Hepreamtathew of the Mail onger delayed. The excitement h. j j" yWdl"g to ihaWlMtant -plrK "tfr on bulleU and bayontn and HjlneJI^. ... i»urf"»pow. .1. --?"T>°-7.;-• San P'mnci-co and three or four from Seattle, alnt> for uae of the various Warships on the Itag game, and H Is to b ta-can l« is<curMl for a *^ntTjnp has' improvwl considerably Parinc Coast and lor the uao of do form .imv his last match with where large shlpmenU are sent j;':ri-^'Ver^'irrh::? every ymr for dommtic ,»rpo-en *0 support lb.dr man. Swmwmwmt
doi:10.25316/ir-7388 fatcat:5msb3hkx25dqrlswwt2dqp32ha